Enhancing the beauty and health of your trees for more than 50 years!
Prichard Tree Services has dedicated many years to practicing the science and art of proper tree care and tree Pruning and take great pride in what we do. There are many reasons to have a tree service company perform Tree Trimming on your property. It may be necessary to trim trees away from buildings, removal of dead hazard limbs, weakly attached tree limbs as well tree Pruning for aesthetic and structure as well as encourage new growth. Proper Tree Pruning by ISA certified arborists understand how a tree will respond to each cut, when, where and how to do correct tree pruning necessary to maintain good tree health.
We employ certified arborists to prune trees to ensure each project is done correctly, safely and with strick adherence to industry tree Pruning specifications. There is nothing like that just right tree trimming job, The Certified Arborists at Prichard Tree Care will always listen to goals of client expectations and prescribe the correct Tree Pruning procedure to best complement the aesthetics and long term Tree Health of of your Trees. Trees take many years to grow yet can be immediately damaged from inexperienced Tree Service Companies who lack the knowledge or ability to care for your trees properly. At Prichard Tree Care we offer both residential, commercial tree services focused in the Ft. Worth, Southlake, Westlake and Colleyville areas. We work for several municipalities and have gained a high regard in caring for trees properly and safely.
Tree Pruning and Trimming
Understanding of the physiological process of trees is a key to prescription of what type of of tree Pruning needs to be carried out.
A tree service company who does correct tree Pruning in accordance with ansi a300 Pruning standards, will often focus on removal of only what needs to be removed from the tree , than over thinning which can have undesirable effects on than tree as well encourage pathogen entry and set the stage for the tree to succumb to insects and certain tree diseases.
We provide Residential and commercial Tree Trimming, Tree pruning services in Colleyville, Westlake ,Southlake,Ft.worth, Dallas

Tree Removal Services
Every tree is either an asset or liability. When a professional tree risk assessment uncovers a potential issue – perhaps the tree is damaged or diseased beyond repair – tree removal or tree cutting may be required. Sometimes a tree must be removed because it is dying, dead, or has become a hazard. We often have to work around buildings, landscaping, power lines, or roadways. For this reason, it is very important that you hire professionals with the knowledge and experience that you can trust.
A professional arborist like Prichard Tree Care can work with you to safely and efficiently remove your tree. Many tree removals are complex and mistakes are costly – make sure the arborist you choose is qualified. Our experienced, fully insured crews can accomplish even the most difficult tree removals by using the most advanced equipment and techniques.
Being accredited, we conform to the highest standards of ethics, quality, and consumer confidence for each and every job we do.
If you require tree removal services in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex including Westlake, Colleyville and Southlake, you can trust Prichard Tree Care to provide the utmost professionalism, safety and customer satisfaction.
Oak Wilt Treatment
Oak Wilt (Bretziella fagacearum) is a vascular fungal pathogen which occurs in Oak Trees here in the Fort Worth, Dallas area. This Fungi infects oak trees mainly through the roots and enter the water conducting vessels where they proliferate and obstruct the transportation of water throughout the tree and eventually the Tree will succumb to this pathogen.
Prevention of Oak Wilt is a key strategy in saving for Oak Trees from this destructive oak Tree Disease.
The Certified Arborists here at Prichard Tree Care have had extensive training with the Texas A&M Forestry Service with identifying and Managing Trees threatened by oak wilt.
We are licensed by the Texas Department of Agriculture to legally administer and Treat trees with oak Wilt with decades of experience.
Here at Prichard Tree Care we utilize the protocols set forth by the Texas Forestry Service.
There are many different types of Oak Trees and which all displays different symptoms of Oak Wilt, so it is important to have a Certified Arborist with special training in identification and management of Oak Wilt.
IF you suspect your Trees might be infected with Oak Wilt or need Diagnosis and Management strategies you have contacted the right Tree Service Company in the Ft.Worth, Dallas area.
Oak Wilt Treatment ft.worth, Aledo,lakeside,Granbury ,Ridglea ,Weatherford, Dallas oak wilt

Tree Fertilization Services
Prichard Tree Care is a leading Tree Fertilizing Service in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. We utilize the highest quality Tree Fertilizers available, designed specifically for trees in the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex. Trees in an urban environment are at risk due to nutrient deficiencies, soil compaction, competition from other vegetation and the use of weed killers and pesticides that disturb the microorganisms in the soil which is needed for optimum tree health.
Tree Injection Service
Tree Injection for Trees is a widely used tool we use at Prichard Tree Service to deliver chemicals directly into a trees vascular system where Tree Spraying applications might not be practical due to nearby water and environmental conditions are threatened. This method of Treating Trees has yielded remarkable results over the past years. We have used several different methods to combat many Tree Diseases like such as Oak Wilt, Anthracnose, Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Nutrient Deficiencies and Wood Boring insects.
With Several years experience in Ft. Worth Tree Service industry we have saved many Trees over the years with tree injections That's not always the case, It is easier to prevent tree disease than correct it, so we put great emphasis on keeping your Trees healthy by administering preventative measures. Prichard Tree Service will go to any length to keep your Trees healthy and use the most modern methods and research available.
Our Certified Arborists and state licensed Pesticide Applicators have had extensive training from the Texas A&M forestry Service to detect signs and symptoms of pest and pathogen activity.

Tree Planting
Looking to add value to value to your property , to have instant shade or to add privacy to your property, well look no further. The Certified Arborists at Prichard Tree Care can make that happen. Dream it we can do it. We are a Tree Service Company dedicated to Trees and how they are cared for. We offer Tree Planting of all sizes and any location. We can work in almost any space where a tree will grow, From the top of buildings, skyscrapers in an urban environments, or to the more traditional settings. We can utilize cranes to strategically assist in Tree Planting as well as using helicopters to install Trees in difficult areas. Whether it be a small or big tree a few or several the Tree Service Professionals got you covered.
We offer Tree Planting Services in Southlake,Westlake, Colleyville, Ft.Worth, Dallas and all neighboring cities.

Our Full Compliment of Services:
Tree Pruning
Tree Trimming
Tree Removal
Tree Cabling
Tree Planting/Replacement
Tree Injections
Tree Spraying
Tree and Shrub Fertilizing
Air Spade Excavation
Oak Wilt Treatment
Tree Protection Zones
Tree Preservation/Tree Mitigation
University Diagnostic Tree Disease Testing
Organic and Synthetic Fertilizers for Trees designed specifically for the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex (North Texas)
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